Hello from me!

So, this is all new to me! At 48 years old I am writing my first blog 😁 As some of you may know, I have struggled with my weight for almost my entire adult life. 3 pregnancies, 3 caesarean sections, a love of food and a hatred of exercise have all helped to get me to where I am now - 5 ft 4 inches tall and over 22 1/2 stone. NOT GOOD! 😟 So I made the decision earlier this year to do finally do something about it. On 14th June 2021 I will be having a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve operation). This was by no means an easy decision but I did a lot of research and have done a lot of preparation. I have cut down my carb intake over the last month and bought a treadmill so I can up my exercise at home. Today marks the start of the final two week countdown in which I have to cut all carbs from my diet in order to shrink my liver a bit before the op. Following the op I will be on a high protein liquid only diet for up to 4 weeks following by another 4-...