Operation day (part 3).....finally!!

So I went down for my surgery about 5pm on Monday and it was all a bit of a blur from then until about 8am the next morning!!

I was brought back to my room about 7.30pm but I really struggled to keep my eyes open for anything longer than a couple of seconds so I spent the night being prodded and poked at regular intervals and finally managed to be awake long enough to get up for a wee about 5am. 

I then dozed until about 8am when I finally put my glasses back on and had a few sips of water. 

The rest of Tuesday consisted of fluids, nebulisers, anti-sickness meds, antibiotics, anti reflux meds, painkillers and blood thinning injections plus trying peppermint tea and chicken soup as well as water. BBC 1 kept me company for most of the day!

I wasn't in a lot of pain really apart from a lot of trapped gas which was, and still is, quite uncomfortable at times!!

Wednesday morning saw a small yoghurt and some more peppermint tea followed by soup and jelly at lunchtime. 

I managed to have a decent wash and freshen up, change nightie and felt a bit more human!

I then had to have a quick walk round the ward with the physio team and show I could walk up and down stairs ok on my own. 

I passed the stairs test so I was discharged Wednesday evening and sent home with a carrier bag full of drugs to take over the next week or so. 

I will now be resting and recuperating and will have a weight in and an update on Monday xx


  1. Fantastic news sweetie, so glad it all went well and they were able to discharge you. Hope you rest well at home and let me know if you need anything. Thinking of you xx


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